Scaling Node.js application without any external libraries
We all face scalability issues in Node apps while growing as a start-up. This is pretty common issue and I’ll show you how this issue can be fixed here.
Some common reason for scalability issues in Node.js apps are,
- Huge number of HTTP request.
- Processes with computation intensive.
- Server failure (500).
Use Machine to it’s Fullest
We are living in a multi-core era and the common mistake everyone does is run entire node app in just a single core.
Use “cluster” built-in node library to spin-up more workers
Cluster creates a Master-worker like model for your app and spins-up individual worker for each core in your VM. This increases the capacity of HTTP requests handled by your server many folds (x4 times if quad-core or x8 times if octa-core).
To implement cluster is super easy.
File server.js:
const express = require('express');
module.exports = () => {
const app = express();
// Just a basic route
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
res.send('Hello World!');
console.log('Application running!');
File index.js:
const cluster = require('cluster');
const os = require('os');
const runExpressServer = require('./server');
// Check if current process is master.
if (cluster.isMaster) {
// Get total CPU cores.
const cpuCount = os.cpus().length;
// Spawn a worker for every core.
for (let j = 0; j < cpuCount; j++) {
} else {
// This is not the master process, so we spawn the express server.
// Cluster API has a variety of events.
// Here we are creating a new process if a worker die.
cluster.on('exit', function (worker) {
console.log(`Worker ${} died'`);
console.log(`Staring a new one...`);
What is happening here?
- Require “cluster” and “os” in to the project (these are built-in libraries in node.. so no need to install them via npm)
- Cluster checks for the Master at the entry of the app. Master state is when no processes running while node app started via npm start or node index.js commands.
- If it is Master.. then it counts the number of cores (or CPUs) in your machine (or production server) and copies your entire node app codes in to all the cores.
- Once copied, each core tries to start their own node server. Now, they become workers and fall on the else block.
- Boom.. Express server started on all the cores individually.
Now you might be wondering what cluster.on('exit',
Cluster can spin-up a new worker when existing workers stop due to some fatal error. That’s what is happening at the bottom of the index.js file. It spins-up a new worker listening to their status event (on exit, fork() a new worker).
Now, you project can handle x4 more request and save you a lot of money from just buying extra server. Damn you AWS. Shoot your questions in the comments below. I’ll be happy to answer.
See you in the next article.